If you were under the impression hacking was dodgy business - think again. Growth hacking is the rapidly expanding practice of discovering creative options to traditional marketing.
This coming week, on Nov 21, us at Chinwag and UKTI are excited to partner with Real Business, the UK’s first magazine for entrepreneurs and SMEs, to host SME Growth Hack - Build. Promote. Sell. Inspire. With Real Business aiming to aid business leaders in their day-to-day activities and decision- making, they are a great addition to any SME related events and we are happy to have them onboard.
What on earth is that in the picture? A biscuit? A sponge? Some kind of ancient artefact? A new type of Copper that's 10x more effective at cooling computers? Yup, that's right, the last one.
Developed by researchers at Liverpool University and brought to market by Versarien. CEO and Co-Founder Neill Ricketts tells the incredible story of startup to stock market in 18 months at Thursday's SME Growth Hack in London. Got your ticket?
Ed: When long-time Chinwag contributor, Jemima Gibbons, heard about the SME Growth Hack she kindly put together this blog post with 6 crucial questions to develop an SME's social media strategy. Excellent prep for the event. Got your ticket?
By definition, every company created in the last decade is a Digital Native. Or at least, it should be. If you’re a Millennial business, there’s absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t be using digital and social technologies effectively throughout your operations.
So - why aren’t you?
When Twitter conversations between brands ends up on Buzzfeed, does this represent the content marketer's highest honour or this year's trendiest marketing tactic has jumped the shark?
As the link inevitably made its way around the office there was enough chuckling to make me think it's very much the former.
Want to grow your business? Spending too much time working in the business and not enough developing it?
Help is at hand with next week's SME Growth Hack day (Thu 21 Nov), which thanks to support from UK Trade & Investment is free to attend.
The day includes a programme of expert speakers from Market Invoice, Eventbrite, Constant Contact, Duedil, Alibaba, Startup Britain and more.
Twitter's successful IPO values the company in the billions before it turns a profit. Nothing new here for a tech stock, although unsurprisingly there's plenty of commentary.
Pandodaily writer David Holmes posted an infographic that analyses 12 of the leading tech firms and their profitability over the last 10 quarters. Only half at any quarter are profitable.
Fancy joining a small, but frenetically busy team doing some interesting work at the forefront of the digital media and marketing world for a 3 month paid marketing internship?
You do? You know someone who does? Well, that's marvellous, read on...
Next week Alex Sass will be speaking at the November Edition of PsychUp, we caught up with him to ask some questions to whet your whistle for the big day (Nov 12).
If you haven’t already snapped up a ticket, don’t fret, there are still a few more available. Get your’s here. Over to Alex...