Mailing lists

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flasherPopular email discussion list for Flash developers & Actionscripters at all levels
socialmediaDiscussion list covering social networks, UGC, social media tools and marketing, and all things Web 2.0
uk-designDiscussion list covering all aspects of web and screen-related design for digital media
uk-ecommerceDiscussion list covering ecommerce, payments and online retail and the issues of running an online business
uk-netmarketingPopular discussion list covering all aspects of online marketing including search, brand, viral, email marketing and more
uk-usabilityDiscussion list for advice and covering issues relating to usability, accessibility, HCI and information architecture
uk-webtvDiscussion list covering the issues around IPTV, web TV, VOD and convergence
uk-wirelessmarketingDiscussion list covering all things mobile marketing related for brands, business and media
viralmonitorEmail alerts showcasing the latest viral campaigns to our community of marketing practitioners and peers (post yours for free)

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