Look no further! If you're an agency, you can post to the Viralmonitor list to get the word out about your campaign.
Get your viral released or previewed here, and showcased among a community of peers and marketing practitioners.
Keep up to date in the viral stakes – sign-up using the form below.
- The content has to have a viral element, something (eg. a 'mail to' or 'forward to a friend/invite friends to play' button) that would promote sending the campaign onwards
- The viral must not require payment before it is viewed, sent on or before you can participate as this is classified as a paid for service, not word-of-mouth viral marketing. To discuss marketing opportunities across the Chinwag network, please speak to Ed French our Sales Manager
- The viral needs to be either advertising or promoting something
- The email you send will be the email that is sent out – we do not edit content at all, so please write the text exactly as you would like it to appear
- If accepted, it will be sent out within 48 hours of being received to the list
- If deemed to be unsuitable for Viralmonitor, it will be not be sent out to the list and Chinwag's decision is final
How to post to the list
(1) To spread the word about your campaign, you need firstly to subscribe to the list using the form below.
(2) Then all you need do is post your email message to the list
address - viralmonitor(AT) – including a link to the
relevant URL. You will receive details by email as soon as you
subscribe with details on posting and unsubscribing.