‘Content is king’ as the old maxim goes and whilst there’s still an
infinite amount of truth in that statement, the intriguing sub-plot that
developed over the past decade or so could perhaps be framed as ‘visibility is
a close second’.
Many a beautifully scripted site bearing gifts of great
content has got lost in the vast, cacophonous sea of information that is the
From early paid link
schemes, through unnatural links to the frowned-upon ‘carpet-bombing’ practises
of Link Farms, there’s been an ongoing search for new and improved ways to
optimise website rankings.
The algorithms used in search engines have long been
the subject of much keen analysis (and equally keen tinkering with a view to
manipulating) but the latest phase in online behemoth, Google’s development
intends to restore some much-needed transparency and trust to the SEO process
with Google+ Authorship Markup.