Jason Burrows' blog

Jason Burrows

Agency owning, socially buzzing, klout checking digital enthusiast. Agency lives over here http://www.creationagency.com, but you can follow me @jasonburrows

Google+ is Alive. Just Remember It’s a Social Layer, Not a Social Network.

Seven Layer Jello by Ron Paul - https://www.flickr.com/photos/ralan808/11300490173

There has been a been a lot of chatter on various social networks, okay on Twitter, that Google are pulling of out of the Social Networking business, and closing Google+.

We love Google+ and in our social business workshops we talk about the benefits, especially the Google Authorships combined with Google+'s apparent effect on search and SEO.

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Marketing for Generation R


It's a tough place out there at the moment, and it's widely believed that this current generation of kids/youths/young adults (delete the inappropriate) will be the first in modern history to be poorer and worse off than its parents.

So after Generation Y - Welcome Generation R (RENT).

As a marketing agency, we've been involved in youth marketing for some time now, and for us the 'back-to-school' promotional period is always really busy, but we can tell the times are changing. With less uni applicants, conflicting stats saying youth unemployment is up or down, and more fear creeping in with raising costs, everyone is looking at this space with a wide open and somewhat puzzled eye.

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