Channel 4’s promise? To strengthen their connection with young audiences by embracing mulitple platforms and devoting £6 million of their budget to higher risk projects.
Everything went micro, at the latest Chinwag Live event, Micro Media Maze. Well, that's not including the panel who, by all accounts, had a lot to say for themselves.
“We Feel Fine” was an inspired project from artist and internet technologist Jonathan Harris at the
Thinking Digital conference in Newcastle last week. Photos of childhood scrapbooks, oil paintings and sketches from travels were the intro to his presentation, one that took an alternative approach to creative thinking.
If you were trying to reach any of Chinwag's websites over the weekend, please accept our apologies if you ran into any problems.
The north east has always been a hotbed of economic activity. Since it’s glory days as an industrial heavy weight it’s been a centre of economic enterprise, one way or another. Today the North-East’s new identity as a knowledge-led, high-end technology hub is attracting industry talent.
Liverpool’s Daily Post is using a host of online tools to give it’s readers the chance to watch and offer input into the paper’s editorial process the day before publication.
88 days ago, Chinwag launched the Digital Pulse, a confidence index for the digital industry.
Why did we do it? What's happened so far?
Early days...
Micromedia makes my life better. For one thing – I don’t have to take comprehensive notes at Chinwag events, because there’s always the trusty podcast :-) So I spent most of this event using my more evolved faculties of listening and thinking. Amen to that!
According to
The Association of Online Publishers’ (AOP) annual census of revenue growth, online publishing is predicted to be down by 20% this year with a forecasted growth of 31% compared to 52% in 2007.
Despite this forecasted dip, online publishing still fared well compared to business growth in other sectors which is predicted to be 8% for 2008.
Do you know how your company looks on YouTube? Open platforms and social networks attract massive audiences, and the impact of this sea-change in media on brands has been equally enormous.