MOOCs and technology-enhanced learning in HE: next steps and challenges

Event Info

Tue 21 Oct, 2014 from 8:30am - 1:00pm
Central London
Cost: £210 plus VAT


This conference looks at the future for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) - and the increased use of technology-enhanced learning more widely in Higher Education. It comes as government pushes for the UK to become a world leader in online learning and also follows a Higher Education Academy review of flexible pedagogies, with the technology-enhanced learning strand published in January.

Sessions will focus on the development of MOOCs, including their potential for online learning and Transnational Education, as well as concerns around implementation and accreditation of modules and the possible threat they pose to traditional teaching. Other key themes are likely to include outcomes and recommendations from FutureLearn's BETA pilot courses running currently. Delegates will also discuss ways in which Higher Education is currently taught and the increased influence technology is having on this, for example the greater use of blended and e-learning.

Guests of Honour: Dr Alison Le Cornu, Academic Lead, Flexible Learning, Higher Education Academy; Dr Ellie Clewlow, Head of Learning and Teaching Policy, HEFCE; Simon Nelson, Chief Executive Officer, FutureLearn and Stephen Haggard, Author, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills Research Paper, The Maturing of the MOOC and Independent Consultant, Online Learning