News & Politics and the Adrian Mole Generation
Event Info
David Cameron, Nick Clegg, David/Ed Miliband/Balls are leading the new wave in politics, and though in different parties they have a lot in common: they are all around the same age as the fictional diarist Adrian Mole, who in 1981 was aged 13 and 3/4s.
ONA UK and New Deal of the Mind invite you to an evening exploring the Adrian Mole Generation - their political, social and cultural upbringing - and what it means for politics and journalism in the digital age.
Martin Bright (@martinbright) - political editor of the Jewish Chronicle and former political editor of the New Statesman, where in 2006 he wrote the article that inspired this event (do take a read). Martin is founder and chief executive of New Deal of the Mind.
David Seymour - former political editor of the Mirror Group, leader writer on the Daily Mail and founder of Student Mirror. He is a regular broadcaster on radio and television, a leading member of the Society of Editors and is the co-author with Jo Phillips of Why Vote - A Guide for Those who Can't be Bothered which was published in March this year.
Chaired by Kathryn Corrick (@kcorrick, blog)
Agenda for the evening
6-6.30: Arrive, welcome, network, drinks and nibbles
6.30-8/8.30: Debate and discussion
8.15/30: Conversations and networking to continue at a public house near by.
Background reading
The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13 and 3/4
5 minute read - English literature pass notes Adrian's first diary (great for a bit of social insight, written as if 1981 was a century ago)
FREE, Online News Association non-members welcome.