Pop!Tech: The Human Impact
Event Info
Held in a beautifully restored, 19th-century opera house, this three-day summit explores major trends shaping our future, the social impact of new technologies, and new approaches to addressing the world’s most significant challenges.
A first visit to Pop!Tech is often surprising. Unlike traditional conferences, here you’ll find an eclectic network of industry leaders, scientists, technologies, social change agents, artists, educators, the press, bloggers, explorers and one-of-a-kind thought-leaders from a huge variety of fields and number of different places – bound together by an intense curiosity about the forces, challenges and opportunities shaping our future. Many are personally involved in cutting-edge work in these fields – we could easily program a second (and third) conference from the people who attend. This remarkable network is amplified by a similarly eclectic group who participate ‘live’ on the Internet from around the world.