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Subject: RE: UKNM: viral marketing
From: Wallace, Darren
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 10:01:06 +0100

Well, the BOL free book giveaway a month ago or so seemed to have been
pretty spectacular...


Darren Wallace Commercial Manager
Ginger Online darren [dot] wallaceatginger [dot] com
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+44(0)410 780 775(gsm) www.ginger.com
1 Golden Square London W1R 4DJ UK

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Charles Linn [charleslatfoe [dot] co [dot] uk (mailto:charleslatfoe [dot] co [dot] uk)]
> Sent: 16 September 1999 10:26
> To: uk-netmarketingatchinwag [dot] com
> Subject: UKNM: viral marketing
> Does anyone on the list have any experience of 'viral marketing'
> apparently a hackneyed phrase and yet one I am unfamiliar
> with. Big in
> the states so I hear. For those of you also unfamiliar with the term,
> we are talking about e-mail based 'tell your friends' schemes.
> Any examples of where this has successfully run? I have been
> given the
> example of the US impeachment proceedings and the campaign to
> oppose it,
> but I was wondering if anyone knew of anything a little
> closer to home?
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