business & innovation

The Plug Has Been Pulled On Twitter And Soundcloud Collaboration

Soundcloud may be known as the Youtube of audio but will it really enhance the core service of Twitter? With a huge number of music celebrities already using the site to communicate with their many followers, it does seem a sensible progression for the company to evolve into a music service. 
SoundCloud is a free service that lets users, from individuals to DJ collectives to bands, upload and share audio files around the Web and according to Relode, Twitter were in talks with the Berlin-based startup to strike up a deal.
This would have been a huge move for Twitter and it’s investors, who are becoming concerned with the slow growth of the company. After going public last November at $26 a share, it quickly rose to $74.73 before beginning a long downward slide.
However, it’s now come to light that Twitter have said no to this new deal. Why? Well we’re not 100% sure, but we could hazard a guess. 
With over 250 million users and estimated value of $700 million, Soundcloud are certainly attractive to Twitter’s big guys, however a large number of the DJ community are abandoning ship and joining other services such as MixCloud, MixCrate and 
To cover their back, Soundcloud use Audible Magic technology to flag up unlicensed songs. Soundcloud then issue a take-down notice. Unfortunately, errors often happen with this technology and users are ordered to take down their own music, resulting in some miffed off customers having to defend their own compositions meaning more and more are switching. 
Soundcloud isn’t particularly well set up for advertising in the same way similar streaming services are so its revenue is limited. Of course, there is the option to pay for higher tier service, complete with unlimited uploads & detailed statistics on who’s listening but we all like free and so the majority of users just stick to the free stuff. 
Possibly the biggest red flag. Soundcloud doesn’t have any licenses from music labels or publishers meaning for a smaller entity like Twitter, obtaining these licences could be hugely expensive and full of hassle. 
So Twitter may need a way to kick up its stock price, but it would seem they’ve seen the light and would agree Soundcloud isn’t the way to go. Back to the drawing board for Twitter then. 

Soundcloud may be known as the Youtube of audio but could it really enhance the core service of Twitter? With a huge number of music celebrities already using the site to communicate with their many followers, it does seem a sensible progression for the company to evolve into a music service. 

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One-to-One Personalisation Will Boost Conversion

The quality of data available to digital marketers is a concern. The goal is a Single Customer View (SCV) but, as the Digital Marketing Insights Report 2014 highlights, a lack of accurate data could have major implications for analytics and personalisation.
Today's digital marketer must understand, identify and adapt to opportunities in a world which generates data on an unprecedented scale. However, with the level of sophisticated analytical technology available, they are better placed to deliver a level of individual personalisation than ever before. 
Having the correct analytical tools in place, in combination with the right data, will enable them to develop a greater understanding of big data and provide a stable platform from which to create personalised customer campaigns. 
Email continues to be the prevalent method of personalisation with 92% of the survey's respondents claiming to use it. Email marketing tools have been around for decades so that's no surprise, but it's more remarkable that 33% reported they undertake no website personalisation efforts. 
This is not because digital marketers don’t recognise the importance of it – 51% responded that personalisation is currently either very important or critical to their digital marketing efforts – so what is the problem? 
The answer: access to real-time data to drive that personalisation. The report showed that at present, half of marketers do not have access to real-time data. Encouragingly, by 2016 a huge 78% reported that they will have implemented a solution that utilises real-time data in one of three forms: website specific personalisation (21%), individual level interaction data (26%) and multichannel real-time decision technology (31%). 
Brands recognise the need to behave in a truly integrated, omni-channel way. Digital marketers must understand how customers interact with their brands in real-time across multiple channels and devices. Investment in the right data and analytical tools to extract actionable insight from detailed customer data will ensure they treat “always on” customers in a coherent multi-channel way.  
In practice, a call centre could offer a customer credit for a high value item they have browsed online. It also enables the company to avoid customer experience mistakes - such as offering a cheap insurance quote via email when the customer has just purchased via the website. When dealing in industries which have complex sales processes or registration processes, real-time synergy between the online and offline environments allows brand representatives to provide a customer service based on individual preferences, actions and online behaviour. This can lead to increased trust, an improved experience and/or increased sales conversions.
When asked to look forward to 2016, an impressive 80% believe that personalisation will be key to their digital marketing success. To achieve it, investment is planned in both the analytical expertise and technology. 
Modern omni-channel consumers expect to have relevant and personalised interactions with a brand. The survey demonstrates that more digital marketers are preparing to do just that.

The quality of data available to digital marketers is a concern.

The goal is a Single Customer View (SCV) but, as the Digital Marketing Insights Report 2014 highlights, a lack of accurate data could have major implications for analytics and personalisation.

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