

How to Livestream your Event #smwldn

Is your event now live on Social Media Week?

If the answer is yes, then give yourself a big pat on the back and follow the four simple steps below to make your event as available as possible. 

This year we have teamed up with Livestream so you can make the most of your event by having it streamed on the official London Social Media Week channel for all to enjoy. It's also free. 

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DigitalSurrey January 2012

On the 25th January, DigitalSurrey will welcome Surrey's Chief Superintendent for Neighbourhoods, Gavin Stephens, who will be discussing Surrey Police's use of digital.

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Date: 25 January 2012
Location: University Of Surrey, UK

My Digital Identity: Living your life online

My Digital Identity: At a time when data is being coalesced through the gathering of personally identifiable information such as emails, photographs, names and IP address - we are reaching a point where many digital services are amassing detailed profiles from publicly available data. What does this mean for your digital identity?

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Date: 16 February 2012
Location: The HUB, Kingscross, UK

A Social Experiment : Can Man Live on Social Media Alone?

Are you a self confessed social media junkie with an appetite for adventure? If so then the opportunity of a lifetime awaits you!

The London Social Media Week team have teamed up with our friends in Singapore to run a mini exchange trip in conjunction with Social Media Week.

The overall person, five days, Singapore. Uncover the power of social media and how it can be used for social good.

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Review of the Year: Pick Your Highlight #highlight2011

About this time last year we asked you if you could pick your most significant thing of 2010 what would it be?

We got some great results, from facebook reaching half a billion users to the one and only SXSW and one of my personal favs, the use of the word 'hacktivist' in a Daily Mail headline about WikiLeaks.

2011 has been a year full of ups and down, from the launch of the ipad 2 in March to the very sad loss of the Apple icon Steve Jobs in October. There has been technology failures, the BlackBerry network went down and left millions moving over to the i phone and you can't forget the PlayStation network hack in April.

Google+ took on Facebook and you can now ask your phone if you are going to need to take a umbrella to work thanks to the development of voice control.

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2012 Social Media in Recruitment Conference

The UK's largest Social Media in Recruitment Conference aimed at helping companies maximise the use of social media as part of their online recruitment strategy.

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Date: 19 April 2012
Location: The Congress Centre, UK

Word of Mouth and Viral Communications

Word of Mouth and Viral Communications workshop from the Chartered Institute of Public Relations

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Date: 28 March 2012
Location: CIPR Public Relations Centre, UK

Introduction to Social Media

Introduction to Social Media workshop from the Chartered Institute of Public Relations

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Date: 12 March 2012
Location: CIPR Public Relations Centre, UK

Simon Says: Google+ has a chance to sit next to Facebook

Google vs Facebook

Google+ started life as an attempt to be another Facebook. If I am honest it did a better job - but then again, it's not hard to stand on the shoulders of a giant (metaphorically speaking). The problem with Google+ is it doesn't offer anything additional to Facebook on first viewing.

Google+ is beautiful and easier to use than Facebook - my mum could set up an account on her own which is saying something. But after half an hour she was back in Facebook. Why? None of her friends were using Google+.

So does Google+ stand a chance? Until recently I would have said no.

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Come Along for Some Christmas Cheers - Thursday 15th December

It's that time of the year again, mince pies are coming out of your ears, that log fire smell is in the air, silly xmas decorations are up in the office, all in all there is alot of Christmas cheer about the place and to make it even better, we have another 'xmas drinks' to add to your list. 

Chinwag have teamed up with Kathryn McMann Consultancy and Put It Out and have organised a very informal xmas get together next Thursday,15th December in central London for some drinks, networking and chatter. We also have a magician for all your entertainment needs.

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Enhance Your Email Marketing Seminar

Who should attend? Communications, marketing and public relations professionals or anyone with responsibility for their charity’s email marketing.

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Date: 26 April 2012
Location: London, UK

Social Media Conference

From influencing behaviour and raising awareness to recruiting activists, donors, volunteers and fundraisers - there’s no doubt that social media has radically transformed the ways in which charities make connections and develop meaningful relationships.

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Date: 21 March 2012
Location: London, UK

Web Metrics Made Easy Seminar

Who should attend? Communications, marketing and public relations professionals or anyone with an interest in measuring their web metrics.

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Date: 29 February 2012
Location: London, UK

Editorial Skills for Charities Workshop

This practical workshop will help you sharpen your editorial skills and produce powerful publications and sparkling copy.

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Date: 26 January 2012
Location: London, UK

Simon Says: The Future Of Social TV

Twitter TV

TV is dead.

By "TV" I mean the scheduling, and by "dead" I mean it is on its last legs. With on-demand tv and a flood of illegal files flouting around forums minutes after shows have aired it's only a matter of time until all TV is on-demand, and more importantly social.

You can currently share links to TV shows on social sites but this is limited. You can also take part in real-time conversations about TV shows on Twitter, but this isn't always as formalised as it needs to be.

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