chinwag jobs

Looking for a Digital Internship this Summer? Look no further...

New Intern

Following a discussion on the UK-Netmarketing discussion list, we noticed that many companies are on the hunt for interns.  We're big fans of internship / placement programmes and decided to help both companies and prospective interns by collating a Digital Internship / Placement list.

We'll be keeping this list updated as and when internships are submitted.  If you'd like to add your internship to the list, please fill out the form here.

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The Social Media Job Hunt: Gen Y Likes Facebook Whilst Gen X Prefers Linkedin (Infographic)

Kelly Global Workforce Index Infographic

The world of work, or rather the search for work, is under-going a revolution at the hands of social media. A recent study, Kelly Global Workforce Index, shows one in 5 of US respondents are using social media for their job hunt (see below for infographic).

The recruitment landscape is still dominated by online jobs boards, with word of mouth mouth, recruitment agencies and direct approaches proving the most widely used methods.

Whilst only 1% of the survey respondents found their jobs through social media (the survey ran Oct '10 to Jan '11), this looks set to change, with 24% of respondents searching for jobs using social media.

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Silicon Milkroundabout: London's Tech Start-ups Join Together To Drive Recruitment

Wanted Posters

London's Tech Start-ups have banded together to better compete against big banks and huge recruiting budgets.

Job opportunities for computer science graduates and experienced software developers looking for their next career move, should not be limited to corporate banks or consultancies anymore, London's tech start-up community say.

The Silicon Milkroundabout event will try to stop the brain-drain of skilled software developers to big corporations by highlighting the opportunities and benefits of working for innovative, entrepreneurial businesses.

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Students: Facebook Might Be Good for Your Social Life, But Bad for Your Pocket

Is Social Media Ruining Students?

Facebook and students: A happy marriage, or a receipe for disaster?

As you'd expect, the answer isn't so simple. A study and rather lovely infographic (see below) produced by ponders this question from several different viewpoints.

As those tied to email all day can testify distractions hurt productivity, and the same is true when studying. Unsurprisingly, flicking between Facebook and studying results in 20% lower grades. Sound obvious? Turns out 79% of students don't believe it.

They're also less likely to be paying their way whilst studying, with Facebook user's working less than 5 hours per week, whilst their social-media-phobic counterparts clocking in an impressive 16 hours per week. Still, that's what student loans are for, right?

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Apprenticeship Scheme Launches for Creative & Digital Industry


Creative and Digital Media Apprenticeships offer a great way to harness fresh new talent that understands the digital world.  They provide £10k worth of industry designed training, professional development  and up skilling of existing or new staff across a 12 month period and at no cost to your company (excluding the wage that you pay them).

Many employers are taking on apprentices to help support project delivery, build and run their websites, develop social marketing strategy and run events.

Following on from our recent launch of the Creative and Digital Media Apprenticeships at Apple’s headquarters we have a further 20 free and fully funded apprenticeships available to employers now.

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Time for a Change? Take a look at our Featured Jobs...


If you're in the mood for a change or want to try a new direction, this is the place to be.  Below are some of our Featured Jobs, if nothing takes your fancy, there are plenty more opportunities to be found on Chinwag Jobs.  Happy hunting!

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What's Your Thing 2010? #WYT2010


As the year draws to a chilly close, we were wondering what your most significant thing of 2010 would be?  Just one!

Your thing could be an event, a moment, a launch or a technical development in the Digital sector that occurred during 2010.

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What do UX Freelancers Get Paid? Survey Request

Salary by Evan Jackson

A post to Chinwag's uk-usability email discussion forum asked for help in putting together a salary survey for UX (User Experience for the uninitiatied) Freelancers.

Leisa Reichelt, herself a UX Freelancer asked for the subscribers help to fill out a salary survey for freelancers working in this booming area of the digital world. Dissatisfied with other surveys that concentrated on agency staff rather than freelancers, Lisa put together her own survey:

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Join us for our Christmas Shindig with Digital Mission & Social Media Week

Pueblito Paisa by Luz A. Villa

It’s almost Christmas, and therefore a fantastic excuse for a festive themed Chinwag Shindig.

With Social Media Week London hoving into view in February, we thought it’d be great to bring together the community that we work with, across Chinwag.comChinwag JobsDigital Mission and, of course, Social Media Week.

Nothing too formal, just a friendly knees-up on 8th December, so put the date in your diaries now. We’ll be providing a merry drink or two, so you’ll just need to bring along some festive cheer.

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Chinwag's Christmas Shindig with Digital Mission & Social Media Week London

It's nearly Christmas, and therefore the perfect timing for a festive themed Shindig. This year we will also be bringing together all the 'event' aspects of Chinwag, including Social Media Week London and the Digital Mission.

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Date: 8 December 2010
Location: The Driver, UK

Death of the Social Media Guru

No More Gurus by Ilana Fox

As a result of organisations becoming increasingly aware of the burgeoning power of social media and consequentially seeking to grow their online presence, a new breed of candidate has emerged.

The self-proclaimed ‘social media guru’, but with no bench mark set to aspire to and no qualifications to back up this status, couldn't anyone call themselves a Social Media Guru? And what effect will this have upon the industry as a whole?

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Help Wanted: The Ugly Truth

Help Wanted by Sam Michel

New Yorkers are known for their straight-up, tell-it-like-it-is attitude. One of the points I make during the pre-event briefings for the Digital Mission to New York, is the speed and brevity the mission companies will experience during the networking events in the Big Apple.

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Learning to Survive in the Global Creative Media Industries


In 2009, the Department for Culture, Media and Sport reported that 1,978,400 people were employed in the creative media industries and that this sector accounted for over seven per cent of GDP – a contribution of £60 billion per annum to the British economy.

In recognition of the sector’s importance, last year the Labour Government set out in Digital Britain its developing strategy to ensure that the UK remains a global leader in the creative industries.

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HTML5, Ajax, CSS3 emerge and skill-sets expand

Shannon reading HTML5 For Web Designers by Jeremy Keith

In the last few months we have seen a marked shift in the number of clients requesting cutting edge programming languages like HTML5, Ajax and CSS3. This is great news for candidates but how many can capitalise on this burgeoning area?

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Recruitment Consultants: as Dead as the Dodo?

Countdown by Stéfan

Hiring companies are moving away from jobs boards and recruitment companies and moving towards social media as their dominant recruiting tool.

Between current economic conditions, the evolution of the internet and dwindling HR budgets, the traditional approach of finding a candidate is becoming increasingly redundant. Are we counting down the days to the demise of the recruitment consultant?

A recent online survey, the Jobvite Social Recruiting Survey 2010 asked 600 participants between May and June if they plan to use social media. 92% of those answered that they were planning on using social media to find future candidates.

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