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Subject: Re: FLASH:loading animation before movie runs
From: 2Nerotik
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 05:31:57 +0100

As far as I know it doesn't matter if the label is on the same layer as the
action command that is calling it.

Now as for the loading music, the problem with that is that you have to
loop 2 frames, which I think is ok if the music is a short looped clip.

I think the best bet is to have the sound clip on a separate layer and have
it start one frame ahead of the one that starts looping.

So the sound layer would stretch over the 1st 3 frames one layer just above
the layer that starts the preload loop which would be in frames 2 & 3.

Does that clear things up ?

At 09:07 PM 9/13/99 -0400, MunchkinsDad wrote:
>2nerotic said:
>You need another frame this is how it should be
>Frame 1
>If Frame Is Loaded ("endscene")
> Go to and Play ("startscene")
>End Frame Loaded
>Frame 2
> Go to Frame 1
>Frame 3 with Label startscene
>Does the label for start scene need to be on the same layer as the command
>in action to go to and play? or can it be on any layer in frame 3?
>and what about the music for it?
>can the music start in frame 1 along with loading page?
>In a mad world, only the mad are sane.
>--Akiro Kurosawa

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  Re: FLASH:loading animation before movie, John Croteau

  Re: FLASH: Flash 4 and Active X?, 2Nerotik
  FLASH:loading animation before movie run, MunchkinsDad
  Re: FLASH:loading animation before movie, Cheri Harder
  Re: FLASH:loading animation before movie, MunchkinsDad
  Re: FLASH:loading animation before movie, 2Nerotik
  Re: FLASH:loading animation before movie, MunchkinsDad

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