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Subject: RE: FLASH: Another Site Check
From: Eric Dunham
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 21:16:08 +0100

The site is nice, but there are some things that just become too much.
Repeat visitors to your site are going to get tired of having to wait for
the animating description to come up over all the buttons so that they can
tell what's what quickly. Granted, it makes a nice first impression, but
don't you think that you'd get a little tired of having to wait for th same
thing every time you went and visited a site? Say someone like Yahoo! or
Ebay did that kind of stuff...think how many fewer hits they would get.
Don't get me wrong, I like the movie and it looks nice, but sometimes you
can make something go a little overboard. Think about optimizing not only
the file size, but also the viewer's experience. Ask yourself "Do I really
need this or that little trick to achieve the effect I want for the site?"
and the main question should be "What effect does this have on the overall
impact of the site from the viewer's perspective?" There are some things
that are nice to see once, like I said, but you can't watch them everyday
because it becomes tiring having to wait for the animation on all the
buttons, and not being able to turn of the elevator music, etc. One last
point of contructive criticism ;-) : do you really need to have the nav bar
movable by the user. I understand that it might be a convenience for the
user at times, but couldn't it also be seen as an inconvenience when they
move it to a certain place and then it gets covered by part of the movie
that they load (or vice versa)? Or what if they accidentally moved it off
the entire screen with a slip of the mouse...? I think that making it
stationary somewhere that won't be intrusive to the movie playback (and vice
versa again) would be a better option. You can take all this however you
want, this is just my opinion of the site :)
-Eric Dunham

>First flash site. I'm needing constructive criticism here.
>Some warnings:
>(1) File size is very large (450K) -- I'm optimizing next week.
>(2) I've heard that the double click menu doesn't work on certain
>on Macs. I don't have a Mac here online (working on that) so I
haven't been
>able to check. If this happens to you -- WHY???
>(3) I haven't worked out the best streaming yet. So, if the double
>menu works for you -- go to the first ones first. (Streaming the
>sections in the background)
>OK -- I think that's it for now. Thank you to whomever takes the
time to
>check this out!
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  RE: FLASH: Another Site Check, Noel Nolst Trenite

  Re: FLASH: Another Site Check, Karin Christensen

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