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Subject: Re: FLASH: site check/fps advice
From: John Croteau
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 05:36:54 +0100

Hi Sharon,

> The part where the deep blue line expands to fill the back drop seems jumpy to me. But other Flash animations I've done seem to be smoother
> (www.provenbrands.com). I've been looking over optimizing tips in
> every book that I own and haven't found any new ideas.
> Could it be the large (960 x 360 pixels) movie size?
The larger the display not only the more pixela that need to be drawn
but there are more to be calculated.

The important optimizing tip is to reduce the amount of screen that
needs to be redrawn. Draw a box around everything in an image that
changes and that is what will have to be redrawn. By reducing the
redrawing area you will likely speed the animation.

For instance if you have the main change of the animation in the lower
right and have a star in the upper left that fades in and out by just
changing that star from fading start to blinking on two frames off 4
frames while the animation in the bottom right plays this will reduce
the screen draw from including the star 50% of the time. Stopping it
from blinking at all will remove it from the screen draw area for all 6

Doing one thing at a time and reducing the amount of screen area
involved at any one time will reduce the processing needs and time to
redraw the screen and thus allow faster animation speed.

Coming Soon Flash 4 Web Animation F/X and Design
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John Croteau croteauaterols [dot] com (mailto:croteauaterols [dot] com)
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  Re: FLASH: site check/fps advice, sharon almeida

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