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Subject: Re: FLASH: Actionscript problem
From: Karin Christensen
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 00:47:38 +0100

Hi John,
server was down all day so couldn't get back on this until now.
The result/hit is a mc that is over the mc result/circle.
The position of hit is set based on a variable number. I would think
that it would work like a droptarget except that it isn't being
dropped, its position is being set. That is why I though _target would
work. I need to have a scoring where if the mc "hit" is inside of the
area of a circle one gets a higher point than if it is outside of the
circle. I am guessing now that I will have to use some trigonometry
and some sort of collision detection since approaching it the easy way
is not working.

>Both _target and _name return properties of a movie clip and if
>to that movie clip they prvide no information that you don't already
>know since you would need that information to target the information.
>Their normal use is for programming shortcuts so you don't have to
>special variable and change them for multiple copies of a symbol.
>In the same manor when you have a drag and drop situation where you
>objects you could be moving the name of the current drag item can be
>revealed. The target it is dropped on is stored in _droptarget.
>> This almost works, but I get only the high score (replacing the =
>> eq results in the low score):
>> If (GetProperty ("/result/hit",_target) = "/result/circle")
>> Set Variable: "ascore" = 10 - (shots -1)
>> Else
>> Set Variable: "ascore" = 7 - (shots -1)
>> End If
>> End If
>By what mechanism will the name of /result/hit change so it will
>Why can't you use the _droptarget property?
>I'm not sure how your score is being activated, I think what you
>probably need is an innovative use of _droptarget.

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