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Subject: FLASH: what is the difference between .spl and .swf?
From: Sienna
Date: Sat, 6 Nov 1999 07:58:31 GMT

We inhereted a website portal that has the navigation exported as .spl.
What is this and why would someone export a flash movie as an spl file
instead of swf?

I guess I have to recreate the navigation for swf but is there an advantage
to exporting as spl? Most of all, if I did the portal site with all
navigation buttons in spl will the visitors still be required to download a
plug-in or can any browser see that file format?



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  Re: FLASH: what is the difference betwee, John Croteau

  FLASH: Trace a bitmap?, Erich Miller
  Re: FLASH: Trace a bitmap?, Sienna

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