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Subject: Re: FLASH: 2 questions about 2 3rd 3D program
From: John Dowdell
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2000 20:53:18 +0100

Size can vary with what you have. I haven't tested the tools myself, but
what I recall hearing is that at least one has shading options... if you
specify a new gradient for each curve, then that could be a larger filesize
than applying a single gradient over multiple pieces (an "area" option?).

The number of 3D polys could be a factor in some cases... in some
situations, a coarse resolution might even increase the curvecount by
increasing the spikes along the outline. Varies.

Analyzing the SWF once imported into Macromedia Flash seems like it would
be valueable, regardless... if there's actually a separate grouped shape
for each rendered poly, then you might be able to reduce filesize by
ungrouping and merging.

Sorry I don't have a single "do this" piece of advise, but have you checked
the docs in that tool for optimization tips? This should surely be a
subject there.


John Dowdell, Macromedia Tech Support, San Francisco CA US
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