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Subject: Re: FLASH: a sound / MC thing
From: Marc Hoffman, Poison Dart Frog Media
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 00:23:34 +0100

At 03:54 PM 4/13/00 , you wrote:
> What I'd like to see is
>that as soon as the sound is done that it sends the movie back to frame one,
>but not before or else the sound will clip/stop short.

only way to do this is to set sync to Stream so that the animation and
sound are tightly synchronized. Then you can actually see in the timeline
where the sound ends, and insert the action to go back to frame one.

>Can i Tell Target "play the movie, if movie in frame two and sound is done
>go to frame 1"? Not sure about how to implement this using the action
>I have the sound on as it's own movie clip symbol. How do I figure out the
>level it's on?

Movie clips are not by default on a level -- that is, they exist on the
same "level" as the parent movie, but if you're referencing them from the
same movie you just use the path and instance name. So a movie clip on the
main timeline can be referenced from the main timeline as "instancename" or
from anywhere in the movie as "/instancename." A leading "/" always refers
to the main timeline of the current movie. In tellTarget, you need to refer
to levels only when communicating between movies (.swf's) that are loaded
on different levels.

> That's one thing I can't seem to find is something that
>shows the hierarchy or contents of _levelX and so thus I have a hard time
>understanding how they work - or more accurately what symbol is where on
>what level.

Marc Hoffman

Poison Dart Frog Media

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  FLASH: a sound / MC thing, Cheng, Kynan (London)

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