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Subject: FLASH: Huh?
From: Brian
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2000 21:39:57 +0100

OK, folks, I'm missing something here...

I published my latest Flash project and uploaded it to my website, but I'm a
bit unsure as to what I'm supposed to do with it after that.

I used the regular HTML/Flash settings in the Publish Settings dialogue box,
and then Published my file for checking out where it stands at this point.
When I click on the resulting file it plays out on my machine, but in trying
to open it in a browser has caused it to hang about halfways through the
At this point I may not have done everything or ANYTHING right.
What exactly do I get when I Publish this file?
I expected to get an HTML text file to put into a new .html page file on my
site, and then just upload the .SWF file for it to refer to... is this
correct? Where do I get the HTML code from? Not like I can't get it from
other parts of my site and drop it all into a new page and change all the
particulars to suit the new stuff, but I thought Flash was supposed to do
this stuff for you.

Any help would be appreciated.

-Brian Matthews

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  Re: FLASH: Huh?, Randy Kato
  Re: FLASH: Huh?, DSG

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