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Subject: Re: FLASH: 'Nother newbie ?
From: Cheri Harder
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2000 08:33:59 +0100

I believe it will stop as soon as that "condition" of the button is no
longer happening. That is, if you put a movie clip into the "over" state,
it will only play while you are "over" the button. If you want to make a
movie clip play out until the end, even after the mouse event is no longer
applicable, then you should use "tell target" instead of just placing the mc
into the button frame...

~~~~Cheri Harder~~~~~
charderatawsolution [dot] com
Advantage Web Solution

> If I'm creating a movie clip to go into one of the button states, if I
> the animation sequence of the movie clip to behave in a particular way, I
> need to put in an Action in the appropriate frame in the movie clip to get
> it to do what I want, correct? What happens if I don't put any Action at
> end of a movie clip sequence? Does it just play out and stop, or will it
> loop?

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  FLASH: re: scrolling menu info, neil edwards
  FLASH: realFlash???, Neal Cabage
  FLASH: 'Nother newbie ?, Brian

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