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Subject: FLASH: 'Nother newbie ?
From: Brian
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2000 08:05:59 +0100

OK, tell me if I have it right:
If I'm creating a movie clip to go into one of the button states, if I want
the animation sequence of the movie clip to behave in a particular way, I
need to put in an Action in the appropriate frame in the movie clip to get
it to do what I want, correct? What happens if I don't put any Action at the
end of a movie clip sequence? Does it just play out and stop, or will it

-Brian Matthews

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  Re: FLASH: 'Nother newbie ?, brzys
  Re: FLASH: 'Nother newbie ?, Cheri Harder

  FLASH: re: scrolling menu info, neil edwards
  FLASH: realFlash???, Neal Cabage

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