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Subject: Re: FLASH: Setting Veriables
From: Cheri Harder
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2000 05:25:51 +0100

I am having trouble understanding things today, so bear with me. You have a
button in your main movie that you want ONLY to work if the first child
movie is complete, yes? (You know, you could have the first child load the
second one when it's done, but that isn't what you've asked, so I'll ignore
that...) Do you want it to show up and just not have anything to "do" until
the other movie is finished? Or do you want it to not even show up until
the end of the other? It would be better if it didn't show up unless it has
something to do...

But I digress. I can kind of see what you were trying to do, but the loop
doesn't work that way. You don't have anything inside the loop..nothing for
it to loop "doing." I don't know how to explain this, somebody help me out,

Other things I noticed: I don't know if the spelling error is a typo here,
or in your code, but "continue" is misspelled. Also, you need to refer to
the variable by the correct path, in this case, something like
"_level3:continue" maybe? But I still don't think the loop is gonna work
this way. You need to make the "movie" loop if you want to continually
check on a variable, not put a loop inside one frame.

Something like this:

frame 13 action:

IF "_level3:continue" EQ "true"
go to and play frame 14
go to and play frame 12

frame 14 has the code to load the new movie...

frame 12 just loops back through the variable check at frame 13 again, and
so on...
That is not "real" code, I didn't check for syntax or quotes, etc, but to
give you the idea of the kind of loop you should use...

I hope this helps, sorry if it is even more confusing, had too much caffeine

~~~~Cheri Harder~~~~~
charderatawsolution [dot] com
Advantage Web Solution

> I'm trying to set a variable in the beginning and end of a movie, where I
> try to set the variable "continue" to false, and at the end to true. Then
> a parent movie, I have a button that is suppose to load another child
> but not until the variable is true.
> This is what I have for the button,
> On (Release)
> Begin Tell Target ("_level14")
> Go to and Play ("goodbyebeauty")
> End Tell Target
> Begin Tell Target ("_level15")
> Go to and Play ("goodbyecopy")
> End Tell Target
> Begin Tell Target ("_level12")
> Go to and Play ("goodbyetitle")
> End Tell Target
> Loop While (Eval (continute) = "False")
> End Loop
> Load Movie ("products/nato/nato.swf", 3)
> End On

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  Re: FLASH: Setting Veriables, John Graham

  Re: FLASH: Setting Veriables, John Graham

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