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Subject: Re: FLASH: IE for Mac (was: IE 5 without Flash?)
From: John Brzys
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2000 18:06:26 +0100

Microsoft needs to develop two versions of IE.

One that works for all platforms for the internet, and one that
is specifically designed to run web applications.

All of the latest advances with XML, XSL, COM, CSS
DHTML, ActiveX, scriptlets, ASP, VML can make the
web browser a regular OS.

The clients are demanding powerful
applications that run in a web browser.
and they are willing to spend millions of
dollars for them.

Somethings gotta give

John Brzys
Software Engineer
Perceptron, Inc.

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  Re: FLASH: IE for Mac (was: IE 5 withou, James Cutts
  Re: FLASH: IE for Mac (was: IE 5 withou, Gregg Caines

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