
4th Annual Real-Time Advertising Summit

Led by senior industry experts through case study presentations, interactive sessions & panel discussions, and extended networking opportunities, the two-day event will provide you a truly in-depth learning peer-to-peer platform.

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Date: 22 November 2017
Location: London, UK

PHP UK Conference 2012

PHP UK Conference 2012 is PHP London's seventh annual conference, building on the success of previous events by expanding to a double-day event, to accommodate the continual growth of the PHP community and PHP development industry.

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Date: 23 February 2012
Location: Business Design Centre, UK

Internet Trends: Social Media Fatigue, Real-Time, Mobile and TV Content Grow

Insights by James Chen

Chinwag's Sam Michel recently wrote about survey results claiming early adopters were growing weary of social media and when we spotted similar results in the recent wave of results from GlobalWebIndex from our friends at Trendstream, we asked for more detail.

And they didn't disappoint, here's a round-up of the five key trends from the 5th wave of their research. This analysis of key changes in behaviour is based on interviews with early 100,000 individuals in 27 key internet markets (full presentation is embedded below).

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140 Characters Conference! (#140conf) London

London offers 50+ speakers in 35 fast sessions during the course of just one day. At the #140conf events, we look at twitter as a platform and as a language we speak. In London we will be exploring the effects of the real-time Internet on Business.

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Date: 17 November 2009
Location: O2 Indigo, UK

mashup* - Realtime Social Web

During the last 12 months the 'realtime social web' has been growing in importance and value - services like Twitter have almost reached 'fever' point and are now starting to become adopted by the mainstream mass market. I still hear senior professionals saying "it's a fad" - whether it is or not - we think it is important to understand the value that is being created and why it matters to you in your role/business.

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Date: 29 January 2009
Location: The British Computer Society, UK