
Second Screening: Breathing New Life into the Living Room

third screen?

It’s one of the more popular narratives spun by technophobes and the perennially grim: the proliferation of mobile devices is facilitating an erosion of the very fabric of civilisation.

Naysayers delight in the perceived paradox that all of those social media platforms designed to bring people together are instead driving them apart. The online ego, they warn, is eclipsing the collective conscience via the promotion of a life lived inches from a pixelated screen.

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The Decision Makers: The Truth Behind the Family Purchase Dynamic

#SMWLDN Families in the UK spend around £187B a year yet not much is known about the complicated decision making dynamic that goes into how that money is spent. This session will look at who in the family makes what decisions, how the members of the family influence each other and what role social media plays in inter-family communications.

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Date: 25 September 2012
Location: Engine, UK

SMWLDN 2012 Brainstorm #2: Food, Fashion, Sport, Music, Gaming, Family

lounge plan

After the success of our first Social Media Week brainstorm, the second, with a consumer focus, took place last Wednesday 7th December at Ketchum PR's offices in Shoreditch.

The aim was to explore how social media is impacting our day-to-day lives from the clothes we wear, the food we eat, the music we listen to, the games we play, the sport we do and the way our families interact online.

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SMWLDN 2012 Brainstorm Round 2 Announced 7th Dec: Food, Fashion, Sport, Music, Gaming, Family

Brain Embroidery by Spectacles

After last week's successful Social Media Week London brainstorm - we're delighted to announce a SMWLDN Brainstorm Round 2 in preparation for next February's SMWLDN on Wed 7th Dec from 6pm - 8pm in Shoreditch or TechCity, if you're startup-minded (RSVP).

This time, the aim is to focus on how social media is affecting and impacting our day-to-day lives from the clothes we wear, the food we eat, the music we listen to, the games we play, the sport (some of us, ehem) do and our families.

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Mashup: Family 2.0

Family 2.0 will focus on what are the new products and services that are serving the family 2.0 and how should be sell and market them.

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Date: 26 January 2011
Location: Central London, UK