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Subject: UKNM: ADMIN: Quiet round here...
From: Sam Michel
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 21:49:18 +0100

Hello everyone...

Just a short note from me on why it's been so quiet round here, have you noticed the tumbleweed blowing across your UKNM mailbox? Please accept my apologies for this...unfortunately I've been laid low by a nasty lurgi, which has kept me away from my beloved (no, really, it is!) email program.

I'm back...rested and with fingers poised and at the ready...there will be a bit of a rush of emails. I won't put through any emails asking why it's gone quiet to save time and bandwidth.

...and while I've been on my sickbed mulling things over, I've worked out a few (I hope positive) changes for the list...keep your eyes and ears peeled..(nothing like building up a bit of anticipation, is there?).

Toodle Pip

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