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Subject: RE: UKNM: Frames and Search Engines
From: Bunder, Leslie
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 15:42:56 +0100

An excellent site called Search Engine Watch at

Should provide some handy info.

Leslie Bunder
Project Manager, TDL InfoSpace
e-mail: Leslie [dot] Bunderatinfospaceuk [dot] com (work) or leslieatbunder [dot] com
Web: www.infospaceuk.com
tel: 01252 390516 (UK) +44 1252 390516 (outside UK)
mobile: 07010 701967 (UK) or +44 7010 701967 (outside UK)
Thomson House, 296 Farnborough Road, Hants, GU14 7NU

>From: Lee Atkinson[SMTP:Lee_AtkinsonatSpring [dot] com]
>Sent: 29 April 1999 11:27
>To: 'uk-netmarketingatchinwag [dot] com'
>Subject: RE: UKNM: Frames and Search Engines
>A bit off tangent, but does anybody really know the exact criteria that
>search engines rates your site? Is it the most matches of your meta-keywords
>against the actual content of your pages. or is it the site that has the
>most trafic, the most pages, or what?
>Spring Interactive
>Lee_atkinsonatspring [dot] com
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Ally Shuttleworth [allyatfunkycat [dot] com (mailto:allyatfunkycat [dot] com)]
>Sent: 28 April 1999 19:08
>To: uk-netmarketingatchinwag [dot] com
>Subject: Re: UKNM: Frames and Search Engines
>>As a whole we don't use frames on the sites that we build for the single
>>reason that it is very difficult to get a search engine to go through the
>>whole site properly.
>Someone who has a site, which is quite good, functions well etc. but is
>built using frames quite heavily.
>They say to you "we want to be higher in the search engines", after
>explaining to them about frames and search engines...what would you advise
>them to do?
>Re-build their site from scratch? Make do with the present site, and tweak
>other areas (metas etc.)?
>Open question.
>Ally Shuttleworth
>Funkycat Search
>[web] http://www.funkycat.com
>[e-mail] allyatfunkycat [dot] com

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