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Subject: Re: FLASH: Flash in Quicktime 4 -- what features work?
From: Chris Wiggins
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 1999 18:31:51 +0100

Title: Re: FLASH: Flash in Quicktime 4 -- what features work?
Hi John,

Mystery solved. After a lot of head scratching and debugging what I KNEW was perfectly fine Flash work (I was right), it turned out to be a simple case of exporting as "Quicktime Video" rather than "Quicktime."

So if you put any warnings in your book about  Flash in Quicktime it should maybe be just one sentence:

"Remember not to do anything dumb during the export."



:: Chris Wiggins
:: Art Director, Braincraft
:: cwigginsatbraincraft [dot] com, http://www.braincraft.com/

From: John Croteau <croteauaterols [dot] com>

> By the way, anyone know if this subject [certain Flash 3 features unsupported in
> quicktime] will be covered in any of the
> upcoming Flashbooks? Mr. Croteau?

Since haven't seem nor have I heard of any unsupported features of
Flash3 in QT4 (except Load movies) I couldn't tell you about them or put
them in a book. With all of these problems you or someone first needs to
eliminate other sources of problems and hopefully issolate the problems.

>  For
> example I have an invisible button on the side of the movie and I want the
> nav to slide out on rollover (i.e., I have a parked, invisible nav animation
> MC parked that I want to control with an on-rollover tell-target from the
> button instance. Doesn't work.

Is this repeatable in a separate (small) movie we could test or is it
only in your movie?

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