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Subject: FLASH: DROPDOWN, preload, load movie, tell target,TUTORIAL - as promised
From: mbain
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 06:57:56 +0100

Hi, about this whole navigatiom mystery thing I started when asking the question
about the dennisinter site ...i figured some stuff out and wanted to share it
with those who want it shared with them.

I have to the best of my ability (keeping in mind i did this while the wife was
cooking dinner and I had limited "free time" - hehehe) wrote this tutorial that
will show:

One solotion for a dropdown menu, using load movie and tell target
Preload of a movie.

To see the example go to www.futuredynamics.co.za/fdflash4.html (this is a work
in progress - but give your input if you like)
To download all the associated files (fla, swf, html, txt) and see how it was
done go to:
www.futuredynamics.co.za/droptut.zip (and save the file to disk - and UNZIP
all the files in the SAME directory or folder or treeview or whatever people
call it these days)
READ the README file I have zipped with the rest for some instruction

I dunno on who's macs, pc etc this will work but here is some info:
I am using an amd k6II - 333 Compaq pressario 1255 laptop
running windows 98
and using flash4
the files were zipped with winzip.

Hope this helps everyone who discussed this navigational mystery or at least
point you in some direction.

PS. If people like the tutorial i might be persuaded to do some more ....hehehe
...anycase ...I would really like your feedback :o)

ps2. this is but one solution and not the only one ....just wanted to share it
with you :o)

Michael Bain
"(A)bort (R)etry (I)nfluence with large hammer"
IBM Global Services, Tel external: 011 302 7234, Tel ext internal: 11120,
Cel.Phn: 082 926 1856
------> http://www.futuredynamics.co.za/cyberbaby/babym.html

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  Re: FLASH: DROPDOWN, preload, load movie, John Croteau

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