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Subject: Re: FLASH:loading animation before movie runs
From: MunchkinsDad
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 02:42:10 +0100

you said:
>An easy way to do this is to create a scene 'before' the start of your main
>movie which maybe in a scene called 'main' and call this scene 'preload'
>argument's sake.

>In frmae 1 of the preload scene you put an action that says "If frame
>loaded, gotoandplay 'main', frame1" - this wil check the load status of
>swf file.

>In frame 10 of your preload scene put a "goto and play frame 1" action so
>loops back to the start to do the check again.

does this mean I should have 2 different movies rather than just the main
movie?or is the "scene" you are describing a layer?

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  RE: FLASH:loading animation before movie, Jim Antonopoulos

  RE: FLASH:loading animation before movie, Jim Antonopoulos

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