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Subject: FLASH: FLASH 3: didn't stretch
From: Valerie Shoaps
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 04:04:05 +0100


I created a thunder scene in a movie for a client. The original movie was
created at 550 x 400, but stretched to 100% screen in Aftershock. It worked

I tried to add it to another movie I've made. I opened both movies and
copied the thunder frames into a new scene in the other movie. Then I
copied them to another scene and deleted the newest created scene (I'm
getting the hint about not using scenes <g>).

When I play the movie I pasted the thunder into, it's stretched to 100% of
the screen and is fine until the thunder part; that's not stretched to
100%. The original symbol was 720px wide, but I resized the instances down
to 550px wide. I then went back and resized the instances to 620, so they
were overflowing the stage, but still no luck.

Anyone have any idea what step I messed this up in? Should I have opened
the movie as a library first and then copied the frames? I'm at a loss
here. I can post a url to demo, but it's not for the squimish under 21y.o.

Thanks for any ideas/help,

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  FLASH: Re: FLASH 3: didn't stretch, Valerie Shoaps

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