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Subject: Re: FLASH: FSCommand won't work in Netscape!
From: John Dowdell
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 23:31:41 +0100

At 12:48 AM 10/27/99, H�glund, Johan wrote:
>In the Help-pages, there's an example on how to start javascript in a
>html-page from a flash movie. It works fine with Explorer, but it won't work
>with Netscape. I've set the SWLIVECONNECT to TRUE and this is all the help I
>found in the manual that relates to FSCommand and Netscape.

Definitely use the technotes, because they discuss various browser
differences and efficient troubleshooting approaches.

Tip: Searching *all* Macromedia technotes with keyword "LiveConnect" will
pull up more documents about browser differences, because this will include
both Flash's FSCommand work as well as Shockwave's externalEvent and
evalScript work.


John Dowdell, Macromedia Tech Support, San Francisco CA US
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