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Subject: Re: FLASH: Flash to video
From: John Croteau
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 12:34:19 +0100

Hi Nikhail,

There are a lot of things to consider when transfering to video. The
frame rate is determined by the field rate of the video system usually
(but not always) 30 fps for NTSC and 25 fps for PAL. If it is a long
piece then you will need to compensate for the fact that NTSC is
actually 29.97 fps.

The movie size you use will be based on the exact hardware you use,
whether you are using square or rectangular pixels, whether you are
recording to just the safe area or need to include the safe area in your
Flash file and what video edit program (if any) you will be using to
edit the video.

There is no one set height and width to design for because it depends on
the hardware and other factors. Regular video is analog that means the
is no set number of horizonal pixels, the hardware will determine what
is required. If it will be converted to digital video again there are a
couple of standard sizes but you need to verify what is required for the
format and the hardware you have or will be using. You should study the
hardware specs or get these answers from a video engineer knowledgeable
in the hardware you will be using.

As for what hardware you should use it depends on what purpose the video
will be used for (Broadcast, Cable, Satellite, direct to video tape,
home use etc.), what your present assets (computer, software, etc.) are,
and your budget. Depending on those answers and how often you will be
converting to video then it may be better to have someone else convert
your Flash to video or it may be best to do it yourself.

There are quite a few other factors to consider in creating content for
Broadcast safe colors.
Title safe area.
Aspect ratio if using high res rectangular pixels in conversion.

Coming Soon Flash 4 Web Animation F/X and Design
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John Croteau croteauaterols [dot] com (mailto:croteauaterols [dot] com)
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FlashTek (Advanced Websites with Flash) http://www.FlashTek.com/
Flash Bible (Fast track to good Flash) http://www.FlashBible.com/
Flash Central(The Universe Starts Here) http://www.FlashCentral.com/
The Flash Tech Resource (Tech Notes) http://www.FlashCentral.com/tech/

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  Re: FLASH: Flash to video, Wes Tilson
  FLASH: OT: IL FLASH Training, Kevin Jackson

  FLASH: Flash to video, Nikhil Adnani

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