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Subject: FLASH: Mouse "Events"
From: len harrison
Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 04:57:31 +0100

Thanks to messing around with the scroll bar control given in the advanced buttons, I'm well on my way to having the list box I wanted before and much more. Now I have just a minor problem I fear has no fix.
There's no "mouse down" state in Flash, just a "press" event. So, when you click on  the buttons on the scroll bar control, you get a single event. You can't seem to trap a continuous mouse down so that the scroll is continuous. I've tried several things to fake this out such as multiple buttons in movie clips and contorted action scripts that don't work. I'm about to give up and see if I can process this at the host environment level, but I thought I'd ask here just once before I went there.
Anyone know of a way to detect a mouse down and keep running the procedure as long as it is down?
len harrison
instructional designer
lenhatabtcorp [dot] com

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