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Subject: Re: FLASH: Mac OS 9 Upgrades--should you do it?
From: Richard McLean
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 22:20:57 +0100

>I can't remember any about PCs (possibly but I can't recall any) and
>hundreds of issues on the MAC many about the ATI card and the Blue G3.

The problem is that the problems only seem to effect Flash, not other
programs. They are Mac Flash issues, not general Mac issues. The
place with the most Mac Flash people is (strangely enough) the
Flasher list.

The subject clearly states "Mac OS 9 Upgrades". If you don't have use
Flash on Mac, why not just delete it? Surely you aren't advocating a
PC Flash List and a Mac Flash list? Division of the talent and
knowledge of this list would be a bad thing.

kind regards,
Richard McLean

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  Re: FLASH: Mac OS 9 Upgrades--should you, Kevin Jackson

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