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Subject: RE: FLASH: rool on / roll off animation
From: "H�glund, Johan"
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 16:37:21 GMT

If you make a movieclip with the desired animation, you can put a
"invisible" button in that movie clip that plays/stops etc. So if the circle
grows from frame 1 to ten, the Roll over action would be "Goto and play (1)"
and in frame 10 you put a "Stop" action. And the roll out action would be
the reverse. Thats one way of doing it. You could probably do it just using
the ActionScript, but that would be more complicated.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dominic Murphy [d [dot] murphyatsyzygy [dot] net (mailto:d [dot] murphyatsyzygy [dot] net)]
Sent: den 30 november 1999 17:12
To: 'flasheratchinwag [dot] com'
Subject: FLASH: rool on / roll off animation

hello all

i just joined this mailing list today and here is a question which has been
puzzling me for ages!!!

eg: i have a circle and when the user rolls over it, it grows in size. then
when the user rolls off it, it shrinks in size back to it's original state
ready for action again!

using the basic button actions the circle would grow (over state) but when
the user rolls off the circle JUMPS back to it's original state (off state)



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