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Subject: | Re: FLASH: mp3 playback |
From: | 2Nerotik |
Date: | Sat, 27 Nov 1999 19:18:50 GMT |
Hmm I don't know about controlling an MP3 per say.
But if you are creating a sound movie with flash via it's MP3 compression.
You can possibly control it from another movie.
Say in your Song movie create a second layer that sends a variable
to your controller movie telling the controller movie what frame the song
movie is currently on.
So that the Controller movie can then use that info to advance, stop or rewind
from that position.
Now of course due to the speed of movie play and delay in sending/receiving
variable, it will be a couple of frames out of synch. But as I see it now
possibly your
best bet.
Playing next/prev tracks is easier, just have a play list of the movies.
Set the names
in variables with track numbers etc. and do a check to see which track it
is playing then either sub/add 1 (or more) numbers and have it play/load
that movie.
Another possibility is to have each song movie, at the first Keyframe,
send the total number of frames contained in that particular movie and
have the controller movie perform a loop check until that number of frames
is reached then load the next song.
I have several other ideas as well but without more info about exactly what you
are trying to do it's hard to know which direction to go in.
At 09:59 AM 11/26/99 +0000, D.J.A. Morse T9800306 wrote:
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>hey all,
>dont know if this has been discussed before. im designing the interface for
>a mythical mp3 player for college. basically, i need to know how to play,
>pause, stop, rew., ffwd. an mp3, as well as playing next track, prev. track
>'preciate the help
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FLASH: mp3 playback, D.J.A. Morse T9800306
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