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Subject: FLASH: Query
From: Brian
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 19:27:08 GMT


I wonder if anyone has any tips or helpful hints about this:

I am animating a short (about 30 seconds) piece of music, and I have
discovered that exporting a .swf of my efforts to date has given me a bit of
a syncing problem with key points in the music, even though running the
movie from the .fla file syncs up nicely (which I thought was kind of odd -
I figured if I was getting good sync in the .fla file, I'd sure as hell get
it in the .swf, but this is not the case).
Since I can't - by nature of the sound file - break it up into pieces to
help the sync problem, I wonder if there are any factors I can address or
something I can do to help get this to get synced up easier. I've also tried
varying the frame rate, but there are two side-by-side frame rates (17fps
and 18fps) that give me what I consider wildly varied playback rates, more
so than it seems it ought to be.
I've busted out as much extraneous stuff as I can from the file, but it's
not helping.

Any suggestions?

Thank you.

-Brian Matthews

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  Re: FLASH: Query, Marc Hoffman, Poison Dart

  FLASH: Suggestions ...., Judy Konopka
  Re: FLASH: Suggestions ...., FlashJester Team

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