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Subject: FLASH: controlling two tell targets....
From: Sarah Lamont
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 15:39:52 GMT

hello everyone...

okay, I have a question, and it's something I've been trying to figure
out for sooo long, and I have tried to ask the list about it before, but
I still haven't managed to come up with the right answer. I would
appreciate any help, and I'll try to explain what I mean as best as I
can. (The main problem is the fact that I have a very limited knowlege
of coding... but I'm getting better, I swear! :)

so this is the problem:
I have 3 buttons on a page. Each button controls a tell target, that,
when pressed, grows out and displays information. Clicking on the same
button again calls the same tell target, and causes it to play again,
which makes it appear to shrink, since, after it grew the first time, I
put a "stop" action, where it stayed until the button was pressed a
second time, causing the end of the tell target to play, which was the
shrinking part.
Now, my problem is that I don't want two telltargets to be grown out at
the same time on the page. So I need to find a way to make each button
on the page not only control the telltarget attached to it, but also the
other ones on the page. Is there a way to do this? What I mean, is that
I feel like there is a way with an If, then statement to do this? Like,
If tell target #1 is at frame 19 (which is the middle, where the Stop
action is) then play that and this tell target. Does anyone know what I
I know there has to be some way to do this, I think I need to know the
correct syntax to make it work. Please help me!
thanks so much,

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  FLASH: I think it's going to crash!, Dixon
  Re: FLASH: controlling two tell targets., Thomas S. Bilz

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