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Subject: Re: FLASH: Not all clients care about all platforms (and not all clients [or designers] are very smart, either)
From: Frederico
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999 14:30:31 GMT

On 11/18/99 6:52 AM, John Brzys via jbrzysatperceptron [dot] com, said:

>Actually it was more like "The macintosh OS does not do a very good job
>supporting these specific java applets and WebTV does not support them at
>all" These and the fact that there are several Word, Excel, and Powerpoint
>linked from the site. A simple VBScript or JScript detection will not make a
>difference here.

See, now here I go again thinking we're talking about Flash sites on this
list! <w>

Silly me for thinking your reference to poor, or not necessarily poor,
Flash implementation at Balthaser was somehow relevent to that

Certainly we can point the platform-task-specific-bias in both
directions, e.g., I've built a few AppleScript/Mac-app-dependent sites
that are effectively exclusionary of Windows.

Clearly your project has an object in mind that can safely ignore a
variety of platforms, and isn't likely for general public/eccomerce

Happy Thursday


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