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Subject: FLASH: Sound On/Off??? Its so urgent...
From: A.R.
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 23:06:54 GMT

Hi Everybody,
today i�ve got a pretty (to me!) serious problem, that i�m hoping you could solve with me.

I have made a Flash3-File (Menu) containing buttons, background-music a.s.o.,
wich has several Scenes (representing the different Menuitems).
Now i need to create a general "Sound On/Off"-Button wich will turn on/off
ALL of the sounds, wether backroundmusic as well as clicksounds etc.
(wich are assosiated INSIDE the buttons themselves of course!)
So will this be possible? I really don�t know how...

I�ve alredy read all the nice tutorials that are around, but most of them just solve the
On/Off-State of MUSIC, i.e. i can turn on and off music, wich is nice,
but not what i need to do. I need to turn on/off EVERYTHING, wich seems
impossible to me, is it really?
It even seems that there are several ways to do it, but i didn�t find any to suit my

For instance, i�ve tried to create 2 new movies, one containing the bgmusic,
the other my on/off-state-buttons. The MusicMovie has 3 Keyframes, 1st is stop,
2nd is stop/musicfile/sync=start/Loops=999, 3rd is stop/musicfile/sync=stop/Loop=0.

The TriggerMovie has 4 Keys, all of�em stop, 2nd has the OffButton, 3rd the OnBttn.
4th is InitOn. Now all of the buttons "call" the musicmovie by TellTarget-commands.
(i.e. 1st Butt=TellTarget "MusicMovie" go to Label "Start", TellTarget "TriggerMovie"
go to Label "Off" and the other one vice versa).
Both movies were imported into the Mainmovie (the one with the Menus).
I started the "TriggerMovie" from a keyframe with "TellTarget "TriggerMovie" go to InitON
wich supposed to be the Initstate starting the music. But they dont play the music!
The Mainmovie doesnt even show the Buttons of the Triggermovie.
(Even the exported swf-file won�t!).......... =:((((

What am i doing wrong? Or HOW CAN I SOLVE THIS WHOLE PROBLEM????
(cause even IF this solution i was workin on would do what i want,
what is happening to the clicksounds? How could i associate these
to the controlmovies?)

Ugghh, the world is bad and dirty...make me smile again!


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