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Subject: FLASH: actionscripting - move and groove
From: Torbj�rn Caspersen
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1999 15:26:19 GMT

I've used a MC to manipulate it's parent MC, for instance move and rotate while
a variable is true. It works perfectly, but to get the actionscript to repeat I
need two frames in the manipulating MC, else it does its trick once and never
again. That means the action is performed every other frame, thus forcing me to
double the frame rate to get the "normal" speed.
Any good workarounds?

Something that almost drove me crazy: When using

telltarget ../
goto expression (variable)

remeber that the variable must be adressed relative the ../ in tell target.

in example above

goto (/jumper:variable)

where the mc containing the actionscript is called "jumper"

hope this was clear.

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  Re: FLASH: actionscripting - move and gr, John Croteau

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