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Subject: RE: FLASH: a very simple question about movie clip symbols
From: Irfan Uygur
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 07:59:37 GMT

Thanks Dave for the answer, i can understand that you have 4 times the area while working with movie clip symbols.
But because i'm new to the Flash environment, i can't understand why there's a need to have 4xmore area as this arouses alignment
problems for me when i'm trying to create a simple movie symbol which crosses from the  left side of the stage to the right side.
If the stage area for the movie symbol would have been the same of the main stage , there wouldn't be a problem.
If somebody has an  idea about this, i would greatly appreciate it because it confuses me and creates alignment problems for me
Irfan Uygur
irfanatpusulanet [dot] com [dot] tr
-----Original Message-----
From: owneratchinwag [dot] com [mailto:owneratchinwag [dot] com]On Behalf Of Dave Hollinden
Sent: 03 Kas�m 1999 �ar�amba 17:37
To: 'flasheratchinwag [dot] com'
Subject: RE: FLASH: a very simple question about movie clip symbols

As I understand it, the coordinates 0,0 are in the upper lefthand corner for content on the main timeline, and the viewable content is between the positive x and y axis.  For a symbol, the 0,0 coordinates are in the center of the stage, and viewable content can extend out into both positive and negative directions.  You could see this as having four times as much area to work in for a symbol.

Dave Hollinden
dhollindenatsonicfoundry [dot] com

  Re: FLASH: a very simple question about , John Croteau
  RE: FLASH: Preloader-multiple movies, AL Lyman

  RE: FLASH: a very simple question about , Dave Hollinden

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