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Subject: FLASH: playing sequential movie clips?
From: Tommy D'Aquino
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1999 15:13:26 GMT

John (et al.),

I'm developing a screen saver for a client using ScreenTime for Flash from
MacSourcery. It's going to be hard drive based so I'm using a pretty hi
frame rate (30 fps). The elements that appear on the screen are symbols but
that's where I'm having my problem.

Currently, I've got it set up so that the elements (currently graphic
symbols) are just strung out along a very long timeline (being that it's 30
fps, a 3 minute screensaver will be over 5000 frames long). I'd like to just
be able to call upon the animated elents as movie clips, one at a time,
keeping the projectmore manageable and possibly even randomizing it but I
can't figure out how to.

How do I get the main movie to hold on one frame while a movieclip plays for
it's duration and then advance to the next frame to play the next movieclip,

I looked at the preloader movie (at FlashBible.com) as I figured that that
is how it was probably set up, but that has alot more going on than what I'm
trying to do.

Is there a fairly simple way to set up what I'm trying to do? John, it seems
as thought this would fall into your MCs instead of Frames situations,
wouldn't it?



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