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Subject: Re: FLASH: OT...tactful wording
From: Laura Mollett
Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 16:56:48 +0100

> Here are some tactful suggestions. After reviewing the site with them:
> Gag.
> Point and laugh.
> Cry.
> Tell them you have to call your therapist for an emergency meeting.
> Tell them you think the site might frighten small children.

Aw come on. Would you really speak to someone that way? anyone? much less
your boss and co-workers? Yes it's not very good. That was a given to start
with, but they're obviously proud of it, and he asked for tactful
suggestions. It's much easier to put people down with the semi-anonymity of
the net - that's really one of it's downfalls. It makes it lots harder to
work together and compromise. *Constructive* criticism. Don't tell people it
sucks, tell them what's wrong and how to fix it/make it better. I suppose
everything you've ever tried has been great first time around? A little
compassion would go a long way.

'Sides I still thought the cat was cute. :p Better'n the "futuristic" pipe
stuff. Lots of things are a matter of opinion. And if you're a designer, you
can do a lot with just a few things. It's perfectly possible to take what's
there and make something nice out of it (given a little leeway to fix things
up, of course).


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  FLASH: targeting main timeline from MC i, mhawk
  Re: FLASH: OT...tactful wording, M. Joos

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