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Subject: FLASH: Re: interactive film squence
From: Ray Broussard
Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 22:14:26 +0100

>i'm stuck with a flash VRpanorama project & really need your help:
>got a .jpeg image(instance def:film squence"target_item")
>which i move(set property/x,y positions) by buttons.
>i need parts of the (moving)image/film sequence to act as buttons
>in order to go to single (stop)frames, where magnified views are.
>as far as i can see, this seems a problem of symbol behaviour being
>eithera film sequence (instance naming necessary for property access)
>ora button (for x,y movement) any ideas how to get *both* features working
>would be highly welcome.

Abut edge to edge two instances of your pano symbol in a movie clip. Group them
or whatever and shift them right so they cover the flash movie window with the
left most portion of the left side pano instance in the MC's frame 1. Make a new
keyframe at about frame 200 - or whatever. In frame 200, shift the pano pair
exactly one pano width to the left. Motion Tween between them. Set up a frame
script in your tweened pano pair movieclip that causes your pano tween to jump
from frame 1 to 200 or from 200 to 1 depending on which way the user is
spinning. Your controller or drag feature will do a tell target to this MC and
go to newframe = oldframe + 1 or what have you.

Place your hot spot buttons in layers above your single original pano.jpg movie
clip. That way your hot spots automatically travel with the image.

Ray Broussard

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  Re: FLASH: Re: interactive film squence, mhawk

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