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Subject: FLASH: Re: Flash : mc ghosts
From: alexb
Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 16:43:27 +0100

Hi Sohrab,
That sounds like a problem I had before too. I believe it occurs when you
use the alignment (CTRL+K) tools on a MC with a blank first frame. What you
need to do is delete the MC, drag a new instance of it back onto the stage
from the library, and align it by typing the X and Y coordinates into the
object inspector. I have also come across this problem when dealing with
lines that are less than 2 pixels thick.


Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 09:19:18 -0400
From: "Sohrab Pirayesh" <sohrabat2mtc [dot] com>
Subject: FLASH: Re: Flash : mc ghosts

Here's something weird!

I have several mc. The first and last frames are empty and the middle
have an animation. I did the animaiton in the edit mode.
When i go back to the main movie and i select the "edit in place" mode
is nothing on the stage. the timeline shows that something is there but you
see nothing.

When i tell target the mc nothing happens.
When i test the movie the mc doesn't show up, nor when i export it.
Its as if they dotn exist.

So when i go into the edit in place mode and try and draw something, i

Basically, all the movie clips dont exist and cannot be seen unless in the
edit mode, which is very useless to me.

And i have tried this on two different computers.

any ideas on why teh hell this is going on?

- -sohrab


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  Re: FLASH: Re: Flash : mc ghosts, Louis L. Gambogi III
  Re: FLASH: Re: Flash : mc ghosts, Sohrab Pirayesh

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