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Subject: RE: FLASH: live sound mixing
From: Williams, Marcus
Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 15:45:58 +0100

I've been "playing" with this idea for a long time. I remember the sync'ing
problem threads while I was in the planning part of my project....and of
course, I had to try and see for myself and had the same sync problems.

You are correct in the direction of using multiple mixes of a single tune.
The viewer/user doesn't know that these mixes are all separate. All they
know is:
They can choose (almost) an endless number of different mixes.
It starts from the beginning of the song when a different mix is selected.

I came across a volume effect at Flashkit.com where you could control the
volume with a slider in Flash. I downloaded the .fla, but haven't had a
chance to take it apart yet.
I'm very interested to see how it was done and if it could some how apply to
my project. If so, that would add yet another option to the mixing process.

Doing all these mixes can be time intensive, but I own the studio....... :-)

p.s. Just a note. As much as I love Flash and pushing some envelopes. There
are other apps that will do a specific job better and faster than
Flash....but in the end, I'm still glad I push !

-----Original Message-----
From: Marc Hoffman, Poison Dart Frog Media
Subject: RE: FLASH: live sound mixing

Are you saying you can get separate sound files in Flash to synchronize as
if they're a single recording of a band? It's something that's been
discussed several times in the past 3 years on this list and I've never
found a way to do it successfully. Or are you just switching among different
sound files that have different numbers of instruments on each?

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